CPL(IR) - Amel Conversion

CPL(IR) - Amel Conversion

Training required for the conversion of Approved Foreign CPL/(IR) to UAE CPL/(IR) is as follows: Training will be completed on a Piper Seminole PA44-180 at AED 2000/- hour.

Flight Training

Air work & Familiarization-Northern Training Area (approx 1.5hr)
Air work & Familiarization-Northern Training Area (approx 1.5hr)
Circuit Procedures (approx 1.5hr)
Holding and IAPs (approx 1.5hr)
Holding and IAPs (approx 2.0hr)
Review (approx 2.0hr)
Operational Proficiency Check (OPC) (approx 1.5hr)

Ground Training

Completion of Runway Incursion Prevention Safety Program. (Rentals only) (6.0 hrs)
Any Ground Training will be charged at AED 100/- hour.  


1. Failure to attain minimum standards during the above mentioned flights will result in additional flight training.

2. Flight training sequence may be adjusted by Instructor as necessary.